23 March 2010

The Beautiful Life of a Military Wife

Well, I'm obviously not keeping up with my blog very well but we are finally getting ready to PCS to MacDill AFB so I will have new adventures to talk about soon. Last time I wrote, I stated that I had moved to San Antonio to be with my hubby during Tech School but since we are closer to moving, I moved back to Dallas to get everything ready. We just found out we are going to get to live on base which is awesome because most of the nicer areas are nearly an hour from base. Otherwise, nothing very exciting has happened lately. I hate being apart from my husband but I know it could be worse. He isn't deployed or anything so I'm thankful for that. The separation is just tiring and let's face it, who really wants to be apart from their husband. As stressful as it may be at times, I love this life and everything that comes with it. I have learned to appreciate what I have and the time that I have with the ones I love. The military has helped my outlook on life and has helped me become more independent (clearly, I've been functioning virtually on my own for the last 5 months!). I'm more in love with my husband than ever and cherish all the moments we have had. I've been so blessed with an amazing husband and life. I couldn't be more proud of my husband. He is my everything. Unless you are a military spouse, you will never understand the pride that we have for our spouses! The tears of pride that stream down our faces when God Bless the USA or any other patriotic song plays, when we see our spouses put on their uniform everyday, and the pride of knowing that your spouse is standing ready to protect our great nation. Wives band together and support each other even if it is for someone they have never met. There is nothing like it. It is truly a beautiful thing. I love being a part of this amazing life.
