06 January 2012


2011 was a year full of excitement for our family! We experienced so many firsts and cherished all the time we had together. I loved 2011!

We found out we were expecting a little one in October!

I had my first ultrasound at 6 weeks, 3 days. Our baby had a beautiful heartbeat of 119 beats per minute! Brian's mother flew in for a few weeks.

We had our second ultrasound at 11 weeks, 3 days and her heart rate was up to 162 bpm! Brian joined the MacDill Honor Guard and celebrated his 23rd birthday!


We moved to our new apartment! You actually started to be able to tell I was pregnant!


 Brian and I celebrated 7 years together and we reached 20 weeks into pregnancy so we started preparing for our baby's arrival. We also found out we were having a GIRL!

We went on a getaway to the Sirata resort and celebrated our 2 year wedding anniversary at the Melting Pot!

We made a trip to Texas for my baby shower and I turned 21 years old!

We got our 3d ultrasound! She definitely looks like her daddy!

We did our maternity pictures and went to the Air Force Ball!

My mom flew into town just after I went into labor and a few hours later, my precious baby girl arrived 3 days past her due date! A couple of weeks later, we celebrated her First Halloween!

My last day pregnant


We took Veteran's Day pictures for Daddy, went to church for the first time, and Brinlee turned one month old! We also celebrated Brinlee's first Thanksgiving, got pictures with Santa, and went to Brian's cousins wedding.

Brinlle turned 2 months old and had her dedication ceremony! Brinlee had her First Christmas and got to meet her Nana, Grandaddy, and all of her aunts.
